7 Elements Your Home Listing Needs to Wow Home Buyers

7 Elements Your Home Listing Needs to Wow Home Buyers

Sellers creating a home listing description might not know how to capture a buyer’s attention. Eye-catching elements like professional photos and a headline that hooks are a great way to create initial intrigue, while a well-organized, compelling description and a call to action are integral to increasing buyer interest. Before listing your home on the Claremont real estate market, here’s what you need to know about making a grand entrance as you enter the local housing scene.

Los Angeles County overall is experiencing cooling trends, as home sales have decreased by 39% since last year while inventory has increased significantly. Claremont specifically has 117% more active listings than it did at the same time last year, although sellers will benefit from a slightly increasing median price. This, coupled with homes averaging 30 days on the market, means sellers should prepare for a relatively quick sale. Nonetheless, when creating a home listing that’s sure to impress, add these seven elements.

1. Striking headline

Because it’s the first thing a buyer reads, an enticing headline is integral to capturing more interest in your property and getting buyers to take a closer look at the listing. Headlines are short and punchy, providing buyers a reason to continue reading through the opening statement and down to the home description. Focus only on one of your home’s most desirable features. Choose descriptive words that add to the headline while also compelling a buyer.

Headlines should be specific and succinct and include a benefit related to the property’s location in Claremont. This might include the tree-lined streets, proximity to Claremont Village, or a nearby college. To get the headline right, create several different drafts and versions, then read them aloud for clarity and flow.

2. Intriguing opening statement

Like a headline, an opening statement should also be short and specific, creating intrigue for the buyer. Choose a feature of your home that buyers in the area will love, then use it to write a single sentence that crafts a story around that feature. This sentence should make buyers interested in reading more to learn about other standout features your property can offer.

Within the larger introduction section of your home listing, get straight to the point. Capitalize on a buyer’s initial intrigue by packing the following sentences with the major selling points of your Claremont home. Doing so provides buyers with the relevant information right away, so they can decide whether to continue into the lengthier home description portion of the listing.

3. Organized home description

Photo courtesy of Pexels

The home description is the longest part of the listing, which is why it’s important to keep the information organized. A description that meanders, that’s too wordy or superficial, or that is difficult to picture in a buyer’s mind can result in a buyer losing interest. Instead, explain your home’s features from the front door, through the home, and out into the backyard. Paralleling the description’s organization with listing photos can also help with organization.

In a home description, provide essential information first, like the property’s square footage, the number of beds and baths, where it’s located, and how many stories it is. From there, describe the property’s unique features. This includes outdoor spaces like a deck or patio, kitchen upgrades, high-quality materials in flooring or countertops, or great views of surrounding nature. Also, include any recent renovations in the description if applicable.

4. Perks of the community

Buyers unfamiliar with the area around Claremont real estate will also benefit from a description of the neighborhood’s amenities or surrounding services. To sell the city’s lifestyle as well as your property, be sure to include details like nearby shops and restaurants, schools in the area, and recreation spots. Although showcasing your property in the best light is essential, a buyer who knows that the area aligns with their expectations will be more likely to consider your property.

For sellers listing in Claremont, consider adding details like its proximity to seven different colleges, outdoor recreation spots like the San Gabriel Mountains, perfect for hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter, and the variety of public and private golf courses in the area. Other buyers may want to know about the many boutique shops in Claremont Village and several local events year-round, while others may be interested in the local craft beer and spirits scene.

5. Professional photos

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

To create initial intrigue for your listing, professional photos are crucial in making an excellent first impression. Poorly lit or awkwardly angled photos manifest negative connotations for buyers, and amateur photos misrepresent your wonderful piece of Claremont real estate. Professional photos, on the other hand, indicate to buyers that a seller is serious and that they know what they’re doing. Your photographer will have all the skills to make your home look astounding at every turn with the proper lighting and angles. Be sure to photograph each room and outdoor areas like the front and back yard.

6. A call to action

To spark engagement, include a call to action at the end of your listing description. This clarifies how buyers can take the next step and includes a phone number for buyers to reach out to your agent. Creating a sense of urgency can also spur buyers to act.

7. Avoid these mistakes

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

When writing a listing description, be sure to avoid common errors like poor grammar and unclear sentence structure. Not only does it make the listing more difficult to read, but buyers may assume something is wrong with the property or the seller. It’s also best to avoid using all capitalization, as it’s commonly misinterpreted as yelling rather than excitement.

Although it’s important to highlight the perks of your property, it is possible to oversell a home. Focus on what your house can provide a buyer, and try not to overuse adjectives or create an undue sense of grandeur. While you certainly want to showcase all your home's best features, you also want to portray the property realistically.

The final element: the Human Element

Sellers who include the elements above are sure to “wow” buyers with their home listings. If you need help creating the perfect listing description for your Claremont property, contact one of the experienced local agents at Human Element Real Estate to help you with the process. This top-notch team is ready to guide you every step of the way along your selling journey.

*Header photo courtesy of Shutterstock

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